The Eminency Podcast

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Jazmyne Abraham and Tamanna T.

How did the socio-political culture of Northwestern Europe affect the world of literature? We know the enlightenment was sweeping across Europe during the long eighteenth century, so how did it influence female writers? Can the success of one's writing career be accredited to industry connections or familial support? Shedding a light on two writers in particular, we want to uncover in what ways did academic advantages play a role in the eminence of Lucy Aikin and Mary Leadbeater?

These two writers do not appear to have much in relation to one another apart from their esteemed educations and their political themes in their writing, which makes it all the more interesting. In this episode of our podcast, Jazmyne and Tammy explore the influences of Lucy Aikin and Mary Leadbeater’s respective careers, particularly in relation to their socio-economic status’. Join us for a riveting discussion on Europe’s upper writing class and its impact on our eminent women!

We would like to thank Michelle Levy, Kandice Sharren and Kate Moffatt whose WPHP Podcasts inspired ours. Thank you!